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Version: 2.0.0

Get all recordings

This endpoint retrieves recordings for a particular voice.

HTTP Request

URL ParametersTypeDescription
voice_uuidstringRecordings for the voice with this UUID will be returned
Query ParametersTypeDescription
pagenumber starting from 1The page to fetch
page_sizenumber between 10-1000 (inclusive)Determines the number of items per page

HTTP Response

"success": true,
"page": <number>,
"num_pages": <number>,
"page_size": <number,
"items": Array<{
"uuid": <string>,
"name": <string>,
"text": <string>,
"emotion": <string>,
"is_active": <boolean>,
"fill": <boolean>,
"audio_src": Optional<string>,
"created_at": <UTC string>,
"updated_at": <UTC string>,
"metrics": Optional<{
"signal_to_noise_ratio": <number>,
"loudness_grade": <string>,
"resemble_sample_score": <number>,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import { Resemble } from '@resemble/node' Resemble.setApiKey('YOUR_API_TOKEN') const voiceUuid = '...' const page = 1 const pageSize = 10 const response = await Resemble.v2.recordings.all(voiceUuid, page, pageSize) const recordings = response.items

Try it out

API Key:
Voice Uuid:
Page Size: