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Version: 1.0.0

Get a Specific Clip

Returns a Clip Resource.

HTTP Request


PROJECT_UUIDThe PROJECT_UUID of the project to fetch
UUIDThe UUID of the Clip to fetch

HTTP Response

"uuid": "7ff0ffa",
"title": "First Clip!",
"body": "<speak><p>Resemble increases productivity through an easy to use API. <break time='1.5s'/> What do you think?</p></speak>",
"created_at": "2018-09-03T03:33:33.000Z",
"updated_at": "2018-09-03T03:33:33.000Z",
"finished": true,
"link": "",
"audio_timestamps": {
"graph_chars": [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
"graph_times": [
[0.0232, 0.0697],
[0.0697, 0.1277],
[0.1277, 0.1858],
[0.1858, 0.2902],
[0.2902, 0.3367],
[0.3367, 0.3831],
[0.3831, 0.418],
[0.418, 0.4528],
[0.4528, 0.4992],
[0.4992, 0.5805],
[0.4992, 0.5805],
[0.5805, 0.6269],
[0.6269, 0.685],
[0.685, 0.743],
[0.743, 0.8591],
[0.8591, 0.9172],
[0.9172, 0.9868],
[0.9868, 1.0449],
[1.0449, 1.0913],
[1.0913, 1.1378],
[1.1378, 1.1726],
[1.1726, 1.2771],
[1.2771, 1.3235],
[1.3235, 1.3584],
[1.3584, 1.4048],
[1.4048, 1.4512],
[1.4512, 1.579],
[1.579, 1.637],
[1.637, 1.6951],
[1.6951, 1.7531],
[1.7531, 1.8112],
[1.8112, 1.8808],
[1.8808, 1.9505],
[1.8808, 1.9505],
[1.8808, 1.9505],
[1.9505, 1.9969],
[1.9505, 1.9969],
[1.9969, 2.055],
[1.9969, 2.055],
[2.055, 2.0898],
[2.0898, 2.1362],
[2.1362, 2.1711],
[2.1711, 2.2059],
[2.2059, 2.3684],
[2.2059, 2.3684],
[2.3684, 2.4497],
[2.4497, 2.5078],
[2.5078, 2.5658],
[2.5658, 2.6122],
[2.6122, 2.6471],
[2.6471, 2.6935],
[2.6935, 2.74],
[2.74, 2.8677],
[2.8677, 2.9141],
[2.9141, 2.9489],
[2.9489, 3.0534],
[3.0534, 3.2276],
[3.2276, 3.483],
[3.483, 3.6107],
[5.1571, 5.1804],
[5.1804, 5.2152],
[5.1804, 5.2152],
[5.2152, 5.2965],
[5.2965, 5.3313],
[5.3313, 5.3545],
[5.3545, 5.3777],
[5.3777, 5.459],
[5.459, 5.4822],
[5.4822, 5.5054],
[5.4822, 5.5054],
[5.5054, 5.5519],
[5.5519, 5.5983],
[5.5983, 5.6564],
[5.5983, 5.6564],
[5.6564, 5.7725],
[5.7725, 5.8305],
[5.8305, 5.9118],
[5.9118, 5.9931]
"phon_chars": [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
"phon_times": [
[0.0232, 0.0697],
[0.0697, 0.1277],
[0.1277, 0.1858],
[0.1858, 0.2438],
[0.2438, 0.2902],
[0.2902, 0.3367],
[0.3367, 0.3831],
[0.3831, 0.418],
[0.418, 0.4528],
[0.4528, 0.4992],
[0.4992, 0.5341],
[0.5341, 0.5805],
[0.5805, 0.6269],
[0.6269, 0.685],
[0.685, 0.743],
[0.743, 0.8011],
[0.8011, 0.8591],
[0.8591, 0.9172],
[0.9172, 0.9868],
[0.9868, 1.0449],
[1.0449, 1.0913],
[1.0913, 1.1378],
[1.1378, 1.1726],
[1.1726, 1.2074],
[1.2074, 1.2423],
[1.2423, 1.2771],
[1.2771, 1.3235],
[1.3235, 1.3584],
[1.3584, 1.4048],
[1.4048, 1.4512],
[1.4512, 1.5209],
[1.5209, 1.579],
[1.579, 1.637],
[1.637, 1.6951],
[1.6951, 1.7531],
[1.7531, 1.8112],
[1.8112, 1.8808],
[1.8808, 1.9505],
[1.9505, 1.9969],
[1.9969, 2.0317],
[2.0317, 2.055],
[2.055, 2.0898],
[2.0898, 2.1362],
[2.1362, 2.1711],
[2.1711, 2.2059],
[2.2059, 2.2407],
[2.2407, 2.2988],
[2.2988, 2.3684],
[2.3684, 2.4497],
[2.4497, 2.5078],
[2.5078, 2.5658],
[2.5658, 2.6122],
[2.6122, 2.6471],
[2.6471, 2.6935],
[2.6935, 2.74],
[2.74, 2.7748],
[2.7748, 2.8212],
[2.8212, 2.8677],
[2.8677, 2.9141],
[2.9141, 2.9489],
[2.9489, 2.9838],
[2.9838, 3.0186],
[3.0186, 3.0534],
[3.0534, 3.0999],
[3.0999, 3.1463],
[3.1463, 3.1927],
[3.1927, 3.2276],
[3.2276, 3.2856],
[3.2856, 3.3669],
[3.3669, 3.483],
[3.483, 3.6107],
[5.1571, 5.1804],
[5.1804, 5.2152],
[5.2152, 5.2616],
[5.2616, 5.2965],
[5.2965, 5.3313],
[5.3313, 5.3545],
[5.3545, 5.3777],
[5.3777, 5.4126],
[5.4126, 5.4358],
[5.4358, 5.459],
[5.459, 5.4822],
[5.4822, 5.5054],
[5.5054, 5.5287],
[5.5287, 5.5519],
[5.5519, 5.5983],
[5.5983, 5.6564],
[5.6564, 5.7144],
[5.7144, 5.7725],
[5.7725, 5.8305],
[5.8305, 5.9118],
[5.9118, 5.9931]
"voice": "Noah",
"project_id": 1



Make sure you replace YOUR_API_TOKEN with your own!


curl "<project_uuid>/clips/<uuid>" \
-H "Authorization: Token token=YOUR_API_TOKEN"


import requests

url = "<project_uuid>/clips/<uuid>"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Token token=YOUR_API_TOKEN',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)