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Version: 2.0.0



The Audio Edit API is currently in open beta. We'd love to hear your feedback!

Audio Edit enables you to take existing recordings of speech and modify them (audio inpainting).


1. Create an Audio Edit

Make a POST request to the API to create an audio edit. If the request is successful, the API response will include a UUID for the created audio edit.

2. Retrieve the Audit Edit Results:

Use the UUID obtained from the previous step to make a GET request to retrieve the status and results of the audio edit.

3. Fetch the Result Audio:

Check if the result_audio_url field is present in the response from the GET request. If result_audio_url is present, se the URL to fetch the audio file. If result_audio_url is not present, wait for a few seconds and retry the GET request to check again.


An AudioEdit resource conforms to the following interface.

interface AudioEdit {
uuid: string
voice_uuid: string
original_transcript: string
target_transcript: string
input_audio_url: string
result_audio_url: string