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Version: 2.0.0

Create a batch

This endpoint creates a batch in a project.

HTTP Request

URL ParametersTypeDescription
project_uuidstringUUID of the project to which the clip should belong
JSON BodyTypeDescription
bodystring[] or string[string[]]An array of strings where each string is content to be synthesized (this can be raw text or ssml) or an array of arrays where each element in the nested array conforms to the shape of ["title", "ssml"]. Max size of each element in the batch is 3,000 characters excluding ssml tags. Max size of the array is 1,000.
voice_uuidstringUUID of the voice to use for synthesizing
callback_uri(optional, see description) stringThe URL to POST the result of the batch to.
precision(optional) one of the following values: PCM_32, PCM_24, PCM_16, or MULAWThe audio bit depth of generated audio
sample_rate(optional) one of the following values: 8000, 16000, 22050 or 44100The sample rate (Hz) of the generated audio
output_format(optional) one of the following values: wav or mp3The format of the generated audio

HTTP Response

"success": true,
"item": {
"uuid": <string>,
"body": Array<Array<string, string>>,
"voice_uuid": <string>,
"total_count": <number>,
"completed_count": <number>,
"failed_count": <number>,
"created_at": <UTC Date>,
"updated_at": <UTC Date>

HTTP Callback

The callback request will send a POST request to the callback URI provided. It will include a body of JSON:

"uuid": <string>,
"body": Array<Array<string, string>>,
"voice_uuid": <string>,
"total_count": <number>,
"completed_count": <number>,
"failed_count": <number>,
"clips": Array<Clip>,
"created_at": <UTC Date>,
"updated_at": <UTC Date>


Example where clips do not specify a title

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 import { Resemble } from '@resemble/node' Resemble.setApiKey('YOUR_API_TOKEN') const projectUuid = '..' const voiceUuid = '..' // you can pass an additional options object as the last parameter with following structure. each option is optional // refer for more info // const options = { // callbackUri: <CALLBACK_URI> // precision: 'PCM_32' | 'PCM_24' | 'PCM_16' | 'MULAW' // sampleRate: 8000 | 16000 | 22050 | 44100 // outputFormat: 'wav' | 'mp3' // } const res = await Resemble.v2.batch.create( projectUuid, voiceUuid, ['Content A', 'Content B', 'Content C'], options )

Example where each clip specifies a title

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 import { Resemble } from '@resemble/node' Resemble.setApiKey('YOUR_API_TOKEN') const projectUuid = '..' const voiceUuid = '..' // you can pass an additional options object as the last parameter with following structure. each option is optional // refer for more info // const options = { // callbackUri: <CALLBACK_URI> // precision: 'PCM_32' | 'PCM_24' | 'PCM_16' | 'MULAW' // sampleRate: 8000 | 16000 | 22050 | 44100 // outputFormat: 'wav' | 'mp3' // } const res = await Resemble.v2.batch.create( projectUuid, voiceUuid, [["Title A", "Content A"], ["Title B", "Content B"], ["Title C", "Content C"]], options )

Try it out

API Key:
Project UUID:
JSON Body: