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Version: 2.0.0

Get all clips

This endpoint retrieves clips in a project.

HTTP Request

URL ParametersTypeDescription
project_uuidstringClips for the project with this UUID will be returned
Query ParametersTypeDescription
pagenumber starting from 1The page to fetch
page_sizenumber between 10-1000 (inclusive)Determines the number of items per page
qstringSearches for clips with a title matching the value

HTTP Response


Please note that clips created through the clip editor user interface will not return all the attributes specified below until the "create all" button has been clicked. This does not apply to clips created through the API.

Create All Button Example

Only the following attributes will be returned on a clip resource if the clip was created through the user interface and the "Create All" button was not clicked.

  • uuid
  • title
  • body
  • is_archived
  • created_at
  • updated_at

Also note, a clip created through the user interface in which the "Create All" button was clicked will return a comma seperated list of voice_uuid's if multiple voices are present in the clip. For example: "voice_uuid": "4fe4e18e,922705cb"

"success": true,
"page": <number>,
"num_pages": <number>,
"page_size": <number,
"items": Array<{
"uuid": <string>,
"title": <string>,
"body": <string>,
"voice_uuid": <string>,
"is_archived": <boolean>,
"timestamps": {
"graph_chars": <string[]>,
"graph_times": <float[[]]>,
"phon_chars": <string[]>,
"phon_times": <float[[]]>
"audio_src": <string>,
"created_at": <UTC Date>,
"updated_at": <UTC Date>,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import { Resemble } from '@resemble/node' Resemble.setApiKey('YOUR_API_TOKEN') const projectUuid = '..' const page = 1 const pageSize = 10 const response = await Resemble.v2.clips.all(projectUuid, page, pageSize) const clips = response.items

Try it out

API Key:
Project Uuid:
Page Size: