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Version: 2.0.0

Get all voices

This endpoint retrieves voices.

HTTP Request

Query ParametersTypeDescription
pagenumber starting from 1The page to fetch
page_sizenumber between 10-1000 (inclusive)Determines the number of items per page
advancedbooleanReturns advanced voice information such as underlying model versions when set to true. For further information on model versions see Model Versions.

HTTP Response

"success": true,
"page": <number>,
"num_pages": <number>,
"page_size": <number,
"items": Array<{
"uuid": <string>,
"name": <string>,
"status": <string>,
"default_language": <string>,
"voice_type": <string>,
"supported_languages": <string[]>,
"dataset_url": <string*>,
"source": <string>,
"callback_uri": <string*>,
"component_status": {
"text_to_speech": { "status": <string> },
"speech_to_speech": { "status": <string> },
"fill": { "status": <string> }
"api_support": {
"sync": <boolean>,
"async": <boolean>,
"direct_synthesis": <boolean>,
"streaming": <boolean>
"created_at": <UTC Date>,
"updated_at": <UTC Date>,
  • dataset_url and callback_uri will not be present in the response if the voice was not created using the API.
  • component_status represents the build status of each component that makes up a voice.
  • api_support represents what synthesis API's the voice can be used with.
  • voice_type can be professional or rapid.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 import { Resemble } from '@resemble/node' Resemble.setApiKey('YOUR_API_TOKEN') const page = 1 const pageSize = 10 const response = await Resemble.v2.voices.all(page, pageSize) const voices = response.items

Try it out

API Key:
Page Size: